The best laid plans

All the best laid plans sometimes fail: the night before our trip to the Duchess County Sheep and Wool festival at Rhinebeck my daughter got sick with a fever and despite my husband’s ardent arguments for me going alone rather than face a year of pining for the festival, I could not drive for 7 hours by myself, and so, we didn’t go.

A week later, I asked my best friend to rescue me from the dumps with a visit to the local yarn store – JP Knit and Stitch in Boston’s newly hip and quickly gentrifying neighborhood.  I got 3 skeins of ECO + by Cascade yarns for a coat for my daughter and 2 skeins of Weekend DK by Berroco in Cornsilk (which is the color of sunshine).  I had two baby sweaters to make: one for my husband’s colleague and one for a friend’s nanny who is about to become a grandmother.

For the colleague, I followed instructions for the Eyelet Yoke Baby Cardigan, but I made one change: instead of increasing before and after the eyelet rows, I used the eyelet rows as my increases.  It made for an ever so slightly different result, but it saved me lots of time.

Eyelet yoke baby cardigan

Once I had to make the second version of this, of course, I had to follow my modifications.  I also thought that the body on this sweater was a bit too wide, so I omitted the raglan increases after the yoke increases.

Here is the final product (I will post detailed directions at some point soon).

If there is any different in perceived color, it is merely due to the lighting.  These are knit from the same exact yarn and dye lot.


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